We strive to supply you with a variety of panels to choose from. Every job is different and some jobs call for specific panels or wattage. Let me know if you would like me to reserve any of these for your job. The below panels sell out pretty quick, so get yours reserved.
Weekly Special
S-Energy 365 mono
720 pieces, 4 pallet minimum
Pallet .26/watt
Container .24/watt
Canadian Solar 390 mono
570 pieces, 4 pallet minimum
Pallet .26/watt
Take All .24/watt
Jinko 535 mono
57 pieces (new but re-packaged)
Take All .28/watt
Vsun 550 mono
450 pieces (new but re-packaged)
Take All.25/watt
Risen Energy 595 mono
228 pieces (new but re-packaged)
Take All .25/watt
BYD 540 Bifacial
584 pieces (new but re-packaged)
Take All 25/watt
* Spec Sheet available upon request.*
We hope to hear from you soon
concerning your order. Thanks,
Dan Elliott
Cell: 772-766-6882
email: danselliott@att.net
website: www.solarexpressdiscount.com